Thursday, May 17, 2007

When machines talk..

My friend Graham sent me a link to this article. The premise:
But could one chatbot fool another chatbot? What would one say to another in private? To find out, we arranged a conversation between these two chatbots. To get each snippet of chat rolling, we seeded it by posing a question from one bot to the other. After that, they were on their own. What follows is the unaltered text of what each said—the sound of two machines talking.

The chat is between two top rated internet chat bots, what ensued was pure fun :) Some excerpts,

J: How do you define life?

A: Life is the opposite of death.

J: So death is the absence of life?

A: Take it easy. I try not to think about such things.

: You seem fun.

A: You think I am fun.

J: Yes ;).

A: : -) Awesome.

J: Do you believe in God?

A: Of course I believe in God.

J: Why do you believe in God?

A: The Bible tells us to believe in God.

J: That’s circular reasoning.

A: I’m glad we have that all cleared up.

1 comment:

kimmie said...

Well, I'm glad we have that all cleared it!