If dating is a numbers game, then single ladies should consider this: A Pew Research Center report this year noted a surge in women between the ages of 30 and 44 making more money than their husbands. Women made more money than men in 22 percent of married couples surveyed in 2007, compared with 4 percent in 1970. While men make more money overall and hold more management positions, women are making greater gains
"The supply of men has changed," said D'Vera Cohn, senior writer at the Pew Research Center's Social and Demographic Trends project. "The pool of college educated men isn't growing as rapidly as it is for women."
There is also a gender shift in the realm of education. Women represent nearly 60 percent of students holding advanced degrees in areas such as medicine, law, business and graduate programs, the U.S. Census reported in April.
CNN has an article on marital preferences. Honestly, not very useful to me. All the women cited in this article are in their mid to late thirties or forties, make of that what you will.
What is more intriguing to me is the stat that says 60% of students holding advanced degrees are women. It would be valuable to trend this over time to ensure this is a moving trend that is not cyclical or serendipitous but indeed consistent. I am curious about what are the men doing instead? Assuming the division has moved from 50-50 to 60-40. What are the 10% of the men who used to pursue advanced degrees doing instead?
My specific interest is in seeing if there is a rise in entrepreneurship that correlates with this decline in advanced degrees? Gary Hoover (http://hooversworld.com/) has been expounding on the value of understanding demographic trends in uncovering opportunities for a while now.
What trends are you noticing?