2010 STATS |
ERA | W-L | SO | WHIP |
3.33 | 4-2 | 28 | 0.96 |
% OWN | WK +/- | AVG DRAFT |
53.2% | -19.8% | 201.1 |
Michael Lewis wrote a wonderful tome laying out the adventures of Billy Beane and Paul DePodesta as they create a credible ball club out of Oakland A's using the slimmest of payrolls.
Dallas Braden is the latest example of the fact that this still works. He pitched the 19th ever perfect game in major league history. The beauty of it all; he was recruited in the 24th round and his payroll for 2010 is $420,000. I highly recommend the book if you want to get more into the A's school of thought.